Self-Discipline Enligh Time

Persist Through Self-Discipline 

Enligh Time Suggestions

All processes that govern life are cyclic, systemic, and rhythmic. In other words, life is guided, governed, and controlled through systems that, when in order:
  • Work cohesively with other components of the whole
  • Create cycles of control
  • Produce rhythm, harmony, and integrity
These governing systems are present in all life forces – animal, vegetable, and mineral. They’re active. They involve energy that flows through molecular and atomic action. Their cyclic nature is what allows them to continually produce action, just like a well oiled machine. And the functionality of the cycles can be measured by their rhythm.
  • A mechanic can tell, by listening to the rhythm of an engine, if an adjustment needs to be made.
  • A doctor, listening to the rhythm of a beating human heart, can diagnose a problem and recommend remedial lifestyle changes.
  • A family consultant, by listening to the family’s rhythm through the way the members communicate with each other, can tell if the family culture is cohesive and harmonious.

In the same way, we can tell whether we’re in harmony with our true self, simply by listening to the rhythm of our emotional system as it warns and rewards us in the circumstances of our daily lives. Remember that a healthy rhythm is both the prerequisite and the means of PHJ (Peace, Happiness, and Joy).
  • Can you identify patterns of your emotional system, both rewarding and warning during your daily life? 
  • What does this tell you about your self-discipline and self control?
We are designed to succeed, to be in control of ourselves, like the wise old crocodile that’s been around since the prehistoric age! Yet somehow, much of our lives are spent in systems that are imbalanced and unrhythmic.

When we find ourselves struggling against our design, we feel inner conflict because we’re out of control. Often, we pass this internal conflict into our external environment-- rationalizing, justifying, and passing the buck.

We are all designed to succeed and experience Peace, Happiness, and Joy. How could we ever THINK otherwise?

When there is no internal opposition, there is no external competition.


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