1. Armadillo means “little armored one” in Spanish. It refers to the bony plates that cover the back, head, legs, and tail of most of these creatures.
2. The three-banded armadillo is the only species of armadillo that can roll to protect itself against predators.
3. Armadillos have a low metabolic heart rate and minimal fat storage. Because of this, cold is their enemy. So, you will find armadillos living in warm climates, including rain forests, grasslands, and semi-deserts.
4. The armadillo sleeps most of the day and forages for food early in the morning and late evening.
5. Armadillos are powerful swimmers and can go great distances underwater. They can hold their breath up to six minutes at a time. If they need to stay afloat, they can fill their intestines with air to increase buoyancy and counterbalance the weight of their shells.
6. What else can you learn about armadillos?
How does the armadillo represent mind mastery and life mastery?
The three banded armadillo can roll into a ball, encasing himself almost entirely in his bony shell. What would happen to the armadillo if he chose not to protect himself when harm was near?
What are ways you can protect your mind when a negative thought enters?
Because cold climates are dangerous for the armadillos, they live in warm environments. What kinds of “environments” are dangerous for your mind? What are the best “environments” to be in so you can succeed?
The armadillo forages for food early in the morning and night. What kinds of “food” or information should you feast upon early in the morning during your Enligh time?
What are some activities you can do at night that will enrich your mind?