How does the mountain goat represent SPEROF (Smile, Persist, take Onesep at a time and be Flexible)?
Mountain goats live in very difficult terrains, yet remain calm and persistent in their circumstances. They can jump up to 12 feet in a single bound, and climb cliffs that are at a 60-degree angle. How would you rate (1-10) your own flexibility in difficult situations?
Changes come often; how can you increase your flexibility?
Mountain goats have hooves that are hard and straight on the outer side, with a soft, flexible middle that helps grip rocks and tiny surfaces on the cliffs. How does being flexible in change show strong outer courage and character?
The mountain goat has a thick white coat that camouflages it from predators. How does being flexible, calm, and persistent help you deal with stressful situations or changes?
What could flexibility protect you from?