1. Wolves live together in packs. Packs have been numbered from two to as many as 36 wolves!
2. A wolf will communicate with other wolves by howling—signaling its location to its pack or warning other wolves away from its territory. They coordinate their hunts to get food.
3. One male wolf is always the leader of the pack, known as the alpha male, and his mate is second in command. They lead the pack by choosing den sites and where to hunt for food. They are usually the only wolves in a pack to have offspring, with litters averaging from 4-6 pups. Even so, the entire pack will take care of the pups, feeding them and protecting them from harm.
4. An adult wolf can eat substantial amounts of food at a time, consuming an average of 4.5 kg (10 lbs) of meat in one sitting, especially during winter months, when food can be scarce.
5. Wolves cover a lot of ground in one day, often traveling 80 km (50 miles) a day. A wolf can sprint up to 61 km/h (38 mph) over short distances.
6. What else can you learn about wolves?
How do you think the wolf represents Wotar?
Words create thoughts which lead to action.
The alpha wolf leads the pack to where to hunt for food. He communicates by howling. Hopefully, his communication will result in a successful hunt. What words do you say about yourself? What results have you seen because of the words you choose?
The alpha wolf leads the pack. What words do you speak to your ‘pack’ and what results have you seen because of these words?
What results do want to see? What words can you say to create the thoughts and actions you want to see?
What is your body language expressing? What can you do to ensure that you are sending a positive message?