1. Bears are highly adaptable creatures and can be found in almost every part of the world.
2. Bears have a highly-developed sense of smell, which they use to find food and to protect themselves against predators.
3. Bears are able to see in color, unlike many other animals.
4. Before winter, brown bears will eat up to 41 kg (90 lbs) a day to build up fat storage. They weigh twice as much in the fall than in the spring.
5. Bears hibernate in a different way than many other animals. Hibernation for most animals involves a drastic drop in their body temperature, and they will occasionally arouse to get a drink of water, eat a little food, etc. When bears hibernate (torpor), they are in a deep sleep and usually don’t wake for long periods of time, not even to relieve themselves. Sleeping helps a bear survive during cold seasons when food is not as plentiful.
6. What else can you learn about bears?
How does the bear represent resilience?
Bears are highly adaptable and can be found in many parts of the world. What does adaptable mean? How does being adaptable help you be resilient?
Bears will eat up to 90 pounds of food a day to prepare for their winter sleep. What are things you can do to prepare for troubles you may meet in the future that will help you have resilience and stay the path?
Bears have a highly developed sense of smell to help them survive and thrive. What gifts do you have that help you succeed in life when things get tough?
Sleeping helps a bear survive during cold seasons when food is not plentiful. What are some things you can do to take care of yourself when you are under a lot of stress, so you can be resilient and optimistic?