Ponder what Ohwel stands for and what it means. Be sure to emphasize that it doesn’t mean you don’t care, but that you are not going to lose control when something unexpected happens. How can you liken the koala to Ohwel or maintaining control and composure?
2. A koala can sleep up to 19 hours a day, this helps the koala conserve energy. It can also run as fast as a jack rabbit if necessary. How do you find energy? What does it mean to conserve energy? How does a having an Ohwel attitude when unexpected things happen conserve energy? Can you think of an example of how energy is affected when someone has or doesn’t have an Ohwel attitude?
Koalas communicate with each other using a variety of sounds, some of which sound like snoring, a low bellow and, when in distress, a small cry. What tone of voice and body language show composure and control? How does maintaining composure and control affect you and others around you especially when something unexpected comes your way?
The gum leaves that a koala eats are toxic to most animals. However, koalas have the ability to digest the food. Have you seen someone maintain composure and control when an unexpected situation was thrown their way? What did they do or what qualities did they exhibit that helped them successfully handle what could have been a ‘toxic’ situation?
Koalas have five digits on both front paws. Two of the digits are opposed to the other three (it’s like having two thumbs), which help them grip branches and leaves better. How important to our growth is the opposition? The koala has double the "opposer" we have on our hand. How does this added "opposition" bless his life? What can we learn about our own unexpected situations or challenges from this example?
Set a personal goal this week. Ponder what you can do to maintain control and composure and practice it.