
Persist Through Self-Discipline 

Loya /LOY-uh/ 
Loyalty: Reliability and Faithfulness

Loyalty is without doubt one of the most powerful of all relationship building principles! 

It is wealth beyond measure to be loyal to self, loved ones, profession, causes and ideals; it denotes dedication, reliability, honesty, support, encouragement, and integrity.

Dedication through loyalty unveils integrity.

1828 definition of loyal: Faithful to a prince or superior; true to plighted faith, duty, or love; not treacherous; used of subjects to their prince, and of husband, wife, and friends. 

1828 definition of rely: To rest on something, as the mind when satisfied of the veracity, integrity or ability of persons, or of the certainty of facts or of evidence; to have confidence in; to trust in; to depend. 

                       How to Use Loya
  • Never talk behind anyone’s back.
  • Be fiercely loyal to self, family, friends, colleagues, and employer.
  • Your loyalty to your word determines who you are. Your word is worth more than any gain achieved. 
Results from Applying Loya
  • Develops constancy and reliability
  • Demonstrates fidelity and dependability
  • Shows faithfulness and devotion
  • Proves steadfastness and allegiance

Recommended Path: 


Read the Story


Enligh Time Suggestions
  • Listen to Loya the Elephant.
  • Record your thoughts and impressions.  

  • Read through the elephant facts.
  • After reading the animal facts and listening to the song, how could you liken the elephant to loyalty?


  • How would you explain loyalty?
  • Is there good loyalty and bad loyalty?
  • What is the difference?
  • How can you know the difference?


  • Find stories in your core books of individuals that showed loyalty. Consider the “How to Use Loya” section below for examples to look for in your core books. 


Listen to the music


Explore the elephant- Did you know? 

1. Elephants are the world’s largest living land animals and have been known to weigh up to 11,000 kg (24,000 lbs) with a shoulder height of 4 m (13 ft).


2. With their large ears, elephants can hear another elephant’s call up to 8 km (5 miles) away.


3. Elephants are highly intelligent animals with brains that can weigh up to 5 kg (11 lbs). Their memories can span many years. They also have demonstrated signs of joy, anger, grief, compassion, and play.


4. There have been many instances of elephants holding vigil over the bodies of relatives who had died, and sometimes have ‘buried’ their remains by covering them with branches, leaves, and grass.


5. The oldest and largest female leads the herd. Male elephants usually leave the herd between the ages of 12-15 and live solitary lives or sometimes temporarily with other males.


6. Elephants are attentive to the needs of all that are in the herd and will do what they can to take care of those who are weak, injured, or in danger.


7.    What else can you learn about elephants?


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