Doves can adapt themselves to almost any environment. How does faith and hope play a vital role in our happiness, especially when we find ourselves in unfamiliar and even hostile circumstances?
Doves mate for life and both take care of their young. Why is it important for both faith and hope to work together? How can we strengthen our collective faith and hope in our family units?
Doves have a way to save their food for later nourishment. How can we be sure to have a reserve of faith and hope when we are faced with difficult situations and need their strength?
Doves and pigeons belong to the same family and have many similar features. Over 100,000 pigeons played a vital role in World War I. Their strength was not only their homing abilities, but their speed. This speed made it nearly impossible for enemy marksmen to shoot them down, giving the homing pigeons a 95% success rate! Possibly the only effective countermeasure for the enemy was to release birds of prey to hunt the pigeons down. What are some things that can pull us down and cause us to lose our hope and our faith? What do we do about them and how can we safeguard ourselves against them?
Set a personal goal this week. How can you increase faith and hope in your life?